Monday, April 28, 2008

Mental note

This is a note to myself:

Not to/Do Not/Can't/Shouldn't/Stop

peeping into other people's blog.

I did. T.T Just a while ago. Now, I feel as if the whole world out there has already started their fabulous vacation,summer holidays, ended their Year one in uni while I'm still slogging away here.


Really shouldn't have gone blog hopping.

On a happy note, mum will be back here tml!! I can't wait to hear about Hainan and MOST IMPORTANTLY: the THINGS that she's bringing back for me HAHAH!

This is getting nowhereeeee

GOSHHH.. Someone,anyone,YOU the one reading this post now...


It happens every single time.. haha.. I watched dou niu Yby recently n ohmyohmyOHMY. I cant get the show out of my mind now!! It's supposed to be filled with notes, equations, definitions and watsoever. NOT 17 episodes of DNYBY.

this is not COOL.

P.s shoutout to my AVID n LOYAL reader ms DEW who thinks she's that one GREAT women, thanks for reading my blog REGULARLY!! Keep up with this good HABIT. love love!


Saturday, April 26, 2008

of UNLIMITED wants

I have so many, many many MANY things that i wan to do...
But i guess all have to be put on hold till after exams..

just in case i forget about them,
(tendency is real HIGH due to my 3 second goldfish memory)

I shall list it HERE.

To do list and things to BUY:
  1. watch/finish up dramas - ISWAK2!!!, ming zhong zhu ding wo ai ni ( I couldn't resist and ended up rushing through bull fighting a few days ago.. HAHA!)
  2. pack my messy room - my sensitive nose detector tells me that my room is real filthy now..
  3. BOOKS - my nicholas spark series and of course other recommended novels on my bk list, books on styling hair from kino etc
  4. CLOTHES - new stock of clothes, MORE clothes
  5. GREEN wallet! - i haven given up on it.. just that i haven come across any that i really like... well there was this one from GUESS.. its close to what i want and not ex, 60+ BUT.. there's no coin segment to store coins.. T.T
  6. new BAG!! - though i have MANY, to the state that there's almost no room for more.. but HAHHA.. no woman will COMPLAIN that she have too many bags and won't ask for more.. (P.S my mom's in hainan now and i asked her to buy a new bag for me YET AGAIN! haha)
  7. my BALLROOM dance classes - searching HIGH and LOW for rumba or social dance classes
  8. new pair of DANCE shoes - had my eye on nike dunks.. the high back, high collar kind? aiya i dun the actual name for it.. HAHHA.. ( its time to throw my mickey mouse dance shoes away.. its comfy!! but in bad condition T.T)
  9. my mini getaway - was discussing with evil twinnie and ah neh that day.. BATAM!! hope that we'll be able to go.. hehe
  10. places of interest - to revisit the armenian church at armenian street, all the older buildings of spore, the know the spore tours, peranakan museum, malay village etc..
  11. watch PRETTY woman - i CANT believe, i actually haven watch this movie!! julia roberts is ultra cool!!
  12. meet up with dearest 2/4 cliques on my birthday :P - nice nice cosy place.. no more KISSING n embarrass TASKS again PLSSSSSS
  13. spending more more mroe more time with my love ones - 2/4 clique, sibrasathamyi, family, friends.. more meet ups!!
  14. PLENTY of K-BOX aka singing sessions - COME ON!! i have 3000000000 songs on my list that i want to singggggg
  15. MJ sessions!! (hand itchy again :P)

haha.. ok actually there are LOTS more.. but i just don't remember now( see, its thanks to my 3sec goldfish memory aka 3secGFM again... T.T)

As i was saying earlier on, I watched Bull fighting aka dou niu yao bu yao a few days ago.. As usual mike ho is CUTE,SUAVE, "HANDSOME".. But he looks the same in every show.. T.T always the fierce character on the outside but gentle in the inside.. haha..But watched the NGs, he's REAL FUNNY!! The one that surprised me was Hebe, this was her first time as female lead but i think she did a great job.. Her acting looks quite natural to me.. so good job on her part!! I'm totally in love with the song Hebe sang to Mike in the show - ai lai guo!!

Well overall, the plot was predictable, expected, using almost predictable outcomes.. But its always the kind of show that will capture the hearts of all obasans and young innocent gals/woman ( like me.. T.T) hahaha..

My mum will only be back on tues... BOOO!! missing her already.. T.T Revision have been quite stagnent YET AGAIn. well WAS.

but now NO. HAHA.. after listing the to-do list.. I felt more driven to mug!!

ok last point.

This is a shoutout to all of my friends who have actually finished their exams:

Please DO NOT TELL me how you CELEBRATED your after exams or I'm gonna whack ur backsideeeee...

Reason being, my sch among all the unis, will be the last to start and end paper.. and so in order to meet the scenario where i'll be slacking or celebrating TOGETHER with my friends and jealous of them.. DON"T TELL ME.

Exam dates:

  • 8th May, Thurs - Econs 10am to 1pm
  • 9th May, Fri - Stats 1 10am to 12noon
  • 13th May,Tues - Maths 1 10am to 12noon
  • 20th May,tues - Socio 10am to 1pm
  • LASTLY... 22May, Thurs - IBM 10am to 1pm

till then...



Saturday, April 19, 2008


Yes. No doubt, the most IMPORTANT woman in my whole life.

Sometimes, she makes me go CRAZY. She always doesn't mean what she say. Today,
we were at my grandma's place, she say she need to buy fruits for tml and will only take a SHORT WHILE. So i agreed. We end up spending nearly two hours at the NTUC and she bought a WHOLE LOT of other stuff. BAHHHH. and i end up real tired, took a nap and the next thing i know, Its already 8pm.


But i must say, she's one CAPABLE woman. the breadwinner of the house. She's really important to me. Haha... There are many times that i'm thankful for her being there. How she fetches me to school without fail ever since primary school all the till JC. That was how i was able to wake up later for school, or else, imagine crawling up at 5am and taking the bus at 6am. GOSH.

and how she spends on me. like literally. my piano lessons cost a BOMB, the piano. my tuitions and all the additional classes like Arts class and speech and drama lessons.

Also, how she lead me into doing volunteering work. The joy that you feel when you help others is perhaps the most precious thing that one can feel. I've also learned the art of communication and interaction from her.

Well, no matter how noisy,naggy,grumpy she is....

she's still my



Friday, April 18, 2008

Silin or Jacq?

I love it when people call my name.
(well obviously only for the GOOD reasons.)

It makes me feel happy. haha... like when my friends talk to me in msn, they will say something like: "silin, you know .... etc.. ", " what do you think silin?"

I don't know why.. but i LOVE IT! hehe... Or when i see my BIG NAME in blogs,friendsters etc.. haha.. ok.. don't ask me, i really don't know why.

I love my name LOTS. Although there has been plenty of people who pronounced it wrongly. si ling, ceiling blablabla. It's actually pronounced as xi-ling.

Didnt go NLB today, thanks to the bad flu that almost blew my whole nose out and the irritating sore throat. T.T
Homed, missing rotting at home.. haha..
Went to branch at night, next week my mom and gang, they are going HAINAN. HAINAN! It's the eastern Hawaii... GOSH..... Well anyway, they want me to go next week as they are short of helpers(who knows what's going on as there will a couple of new people coming in to help). They asked *** to send me home and he agreed. HOHO... That's REAL SWEET of you.

A few more weeks to exams, hm.. Revision's into full gear, the intensive mugging recently has pulled a toll on my body. That explains the flu and sore throat. T.T Nonetheless, I'm embracing this whole process of studying, mugging , buried by notes, exams and pressure.. Cause i know i'll DEFINITELY miss this LOTS when i start to work.. haha...

ok. Need to go into my lala land soon.

Absence DOES makes the heart grows fonder.
Yes i'm already missing you and you and YOU who's reading my blog now.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

the little things in life

HELLO my dear friends!

today was a well-spent day.. haha.. was mugging at nat lib with doll,ika and wy from 11 till 7. ( stopped for lunch at 1plus den resumed at 2) Achieved at least three quarter of the things i listed down, which is a big achievement for myself.. haha. cause i know i'm always too AMBITIOUS and listed down more things than what i can actually do. It is a good thing for me in some way, at least i will be able to challenge myself and always go the extra mile to do some more.

Yesterday was the first time that i went home alone after dance class at raffles. It's a totally different feeling for me. Because usually, after our dance classes, i'll head home with my HHN. We'll either be laughing away at one particular dance step or person etc. Yesterday, it was jusst me and myself. I realised i'm so dependent on my group of HHN.

I'm so thankful to them. for the amount of laughter they have provided.. hahah.. the companion during dance classes and all the encouragement.. LOVE THEM LOTS.

speaking of which, i was talking to ah neh online the other day.. and we came across the topic of how little we meet each other, and also the rest too. i see my dance mates like 3 or 4 times a week.. i see them more than my ah neh and my 2/4 clique.. not that i don't love my HHN, just that i miss my 2/4 frens LOTS>........ i miss them like peaNUTS.

It's always times like this where i miss my 2/4 clique the most.. this happened during JC, during promos, prelims and A levels. haha.. the words of encouragement for each other are what that kept me gOing most of the time.

I feel blissful.. to be surrounded by people that matters to me. my HHN, uni mates, my 2/4 clique :)

talking about the small things in life.. I didnt realise that alot of people were aware of my so called HATRED for chilli.. HAHA. I was talking to Uncle robin and a group of friends the other day.. One of them suggested that we have an outing to this ma la huo guo shop at chinatown.. Uncle Robin immediately objected, saying that I cant take chilli. (: (: (:
Last Sat, I met up with rach, doll,sui and claire for dinner. Suggested Thai Express, baby ruled out Thai express cause she knows that i cant take spicy food (: (: (:
( actually i TOTALLY LOVE THAI EXPRESS, but its REAL SWEET of u BABY!) hehe...

all this small things matter, its thoughtful.

Pardon my lousy english and language today. Was totally exhausted from the mugging session today. I just want to write it all out lest i forgot all about it. ( thanks to my 3-second goldfish memory).

P.s I've succeed in shedding some KILOS! reached my targeted wt. will WORK HARD to MAINTAIN it!!!

Need to sleep the bed soon.

ending with my favourite quote at the moment:

"Getting to know yourself, is a constant work in progress.."


Friday, April 11, 2008


I suddenly have these scary thoughts coming to me....

I wake up,
go online from blogs to blogs
searching on wierd, eccentric news and information


Will i be lonely, with no friends at the end of the day?

this is scary.

I don't even want to think that far.

I know its rather dumb to think this way, i have nice nice friends around me. But sometimes, this sense of loneliness just engulfes me. Like deep down, its hollow, its empty. Bleh.
Don't know. Just this sudden sense of emptiness in me.
I hate to be emo. Probably the menses.


Tuesday, April 8, 2008



I'm like real bloody lousy in micro econs.

Had econs revision workshop today.. (1/3 of my 3sessions), he was gOing through BASIC concepts of micro (PPF) in class today. n GOSHHHH...

Half of the time, i have NO IDEA what was going on. Read the study guide as adviced and realised i've missed out SO MUCH. time check: i only have


Notice i used the word MORE. that means i'm still trying to stay hopeful.. haha.. I really want to do well, yes i WILL!!

ok at least i felt better now. was totally demoralised this afternoon, struggled with the micro part of the prelim paper. well for your information, i've never like micro and i didnt study for micro at all during my preparation for prelims. haha.. thus the totally blackout while trying to attempt the paper earlier on.

i figureed out that this shouldn't be the way... Well at least i still have time to save myself. I've done all of this before, back in JC and for the past 9MONTHS.. So i should be able to handle it!!

at least with confidence now, its HALF THE BATTLE WON.

Rescue action begins! 3,2,1.......


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

most DISGUISTING creature in the world

I just have to HAVE TO blog about this. I was watching animal planet earlier on, and i came across this theme. They were showing the top 10 most disguisting creature in the world. ok.. Although this creature is only worth 3rd place in the show, it's first on my list. ( 2nd is housefly and 1st goes to vultures)

the most DISGUISTING creature goes to...............


yes yes yes.. you are not seeing things.. It is truly sea cucumber, delicacies and famous among most asians. ( and actually, one of my favourite)

Here's what i found out from the show.. sea cucumbers, they feed on anything, rubbish, plankton, decaying organic matters in the sea. the most crucial part is here...
They actually breathe through their urm.. backside.. where their waste comes out from.. I'm not spinning tales or whatever. I have proof, from wikipedia!

"Sea cucumbers extract oxygen from water in a pair of 'respiratory trees' that branch off the cloaca just inside the anus, so that they 'breathe' by drawing water in through the anus and then expelling it."

somemore... They are pearl fishes' best friend! Pearl fish, actually live in the sea cucumber's anus. They get in without the sea cucumbers knowing. They will try to swim in, tail first, while the sea cumcumber urm exercises or move its anus. WOW. It's smelly,cozy and dirty shelter.

"A variety of fish, most commonly pearl fish, have evolved a commensalistic symbiotic relationship with sea cucumbers in which the pearl fish will live in sea cucumber's cloaca using it for protection from predation, a source of food (the nutrients passing in and out of the anus from the water), and to develop into their adult stage of life. Many polychaete worms and crabs have also specialized to use the cloacal respiratory trees for protection by living inside the sea cucumber."


haha.. and something else that i found out today.

We have such a lovely name for nose picker



in the past.. The Eygptian Pharoh, Tutankhamun actually had a PERSONAL NOSE DIGGER.
haha.. OMT.

and well..

91% were current nose pickers (but only 75% of these believed everyone did it) and 2 people spent between 15 to 30 minutes and 1 to >2 hours a day picking their nose.

haha.. out of the 91%, two thirds would deposit their treasure on tissue, 8% will just drop it on the floor.. that's not so bad.. here comes the gross part, the rest of the 8% actually stick it to furnitures like chairs or tables. OMT.

ok.. this are all real GROSS info of the day. haha..

went to tempt today for a couple of hours.. i just love my ex-collegues.. haha.. I just love to walk around and catch up with them, all this during my office hours. OPPS. :P

was supposed to meet ika at nat lib, but i couldn't take it.. i just need to rush home n sleep. Had my LUNCH at like 5pm? T.T

tml's socio lecture! i just love socio..!

well.. my heart aches today. It took me alot of courage to make that decision. I know its a good decision, and ultimately my studies comes first. I will work doubly hard. There will always be another chance.. :)
